SECTION 1                       OPEN CLASSES -  VEGETABLES

- Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 1:00 to 5:00
- Items cannot be picked up until 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 7
- Exhibitors must stay until all items are checked in.
- Winners may turn in placement stickers for ribbons at fair office.
1. In selecting vegetables for exhibition, choose such specimens that would bring the highest market price. Do not select the largest; select medium size specimen. If at all possible, do not mix varieties.
2. The following factors are generally used by an expert vegetable judge:
          a. Trueness to variety type. If at all possible, pick the specimen from one variety.
          b. Uniformity in shape, size and color.
          c. Be sure to pick out a perfect specimen, then select the others as similar to it as possible. Never                 mix  specimens of different maturity.
          d. Protect from dirt, disease, infection and mechanical damage. Select specimens that are                             perfect  and show no blemishes of any kind.
          e. Condition and maturity. Be sure that exhibits are of high quality.
          f. Potatoes should not be washed. Remove soil using a soft cloth or brush.
          g. Tomatoes should have stems removed. Carrots, beets, etc. should have tops (leaves) removed                 from vegetables leaving about (2) two inches of stems.
3. Read premium materials, carefully following all rules and regulations. If an entry calls for five specimens, be sure to exhibit that number; do not enter four or six. In any instance, your exhibits will be disqualified if the correct number of specimens is not entered.
                                                                 4. If under other, please list category and description.
CLASS                                                                                       PREMIUMS
                                                                                            $3.00   $2.50   $2.00   $1.50
01 Broccoli – 1 large head, no leaves
02 Brussel Sprouts – 1 Pint
03 Eggplant – 1 specimens
04 Horseradish – 3 roots (1” min. dia.)
05 Kale – 1 plant in soil
06 Kohlrabi – 1 specimen
07 Okra – 5 specimens
08 Parsnips – 5 specimens, tops off
09 Turnips – 5 specimens

Beans – Dry Shelled (1 Pint)
10 Edible Soybeans
11 Horticultural
12 Kidney
13 Lima
14 Marrowfat
15 Pea or Navy
16 Black Eye Peas
17 Other

Beans – Green Shelled (1 pint)
18 Edible Soybean
19 Horticultural
20 Large Seeded Limas
21 Small Seeded Limas
22 Other

Beans – Horticultural (1 pint)
23 Bush Types
24 Pole types
Beans – Limas
25 Large Seeded
26 Pole Limas
27 Small Seeded
28 Other

Beans – Snap, Bush types (1 pint)
29 Flat green pods
30 Flax wax pods
31 Round green pods
32 Round wax pods
33 Other

Beans- Snap, pole types (12 specimens)
34 Flat green pods
35 Round green pods
36 Round yellow pods
37 Flat yellow pods
38 Other

Beets – 5 specimens, topped
39 Globe shaped
40 Half long
41 Long Lutz types
42 Mangles
43 Yellow
44 Other

Cabbage – 1 head
45 Chinese types
46 Early pointed
47 Domestic round
48 Flat types
49 Red types
50 Savoy types
51 Other

Carrots – 5 roots, topped
52 Half Long (pointed)
53 Half Long (stump rooted)
54 Long
55 Other

Cauliflower – 1 head
56 Purple types
57 White types
58 Cheddar
59 Other

Celery – 1 plant in soil
60 Green types (Fordhook Pascal)
61 Yellow types (Fordhook Pascal)

Sweet Corn – 6 ears
62 White hybrids
63 Yellow hybrids
64 Bi-Color
65 Other types

66 Pickling (under 3”) 10 specimens
67 Pickles (3” to 5”) 5 specimens
68 Slicing (over 5”) 5 specimens
69 Other

Endive – 1 plant in soil
70 Broad Leaved
71 Green curled

Lettuce – 1 plant in soil
72 Butter head types
73 Crisp head types
74 Leaf types
75 Other

Muskmelons (Cantaloupes) – 1 specimen
76 Large types (6” or more)
77 Small types
78 Honeydew
79 Other

Onions (bulbing) – 4 specimens
80 Bottle
81 Red flat
82 Red globe
83 Shallots
84 Sweet Spanish type
85 White Flat
86 White globe
87 Yellow flat
88 Yellow globe
89 Green bunching
90 Other

Onions (sets) – 1 pint, mature for storage
91 Multiplier
92 Red
93 White
94 Yellow sets
95 Other

Parsley – 5 bunches in water
96 Curled type
97 Plain type

Peas – 1 pint
98 Green shelled
99 Pods
100 Other

Peppers – Hot
101 Cayenne – 5 specimens
102 Chili – 5 specimens
103 Chinese Capsicum
104 Habanero – 5 specimens
105 Hungarian Wax
106 Jalapeno
107 Thai
108 Other

Peppers – Pimento, 5 specimens
109 Green
110  Red
111 Other

Peppers, Sweet-Bell or Bullnose shape, 5 specimens
112    Green
113  Red
114    Yellow
115 Other

Pepper – Sweet-thin fleshed, 5 specimens
116 Green
117 Red 
118 Yellow

Potatoes – 5 tubers
119 Red Pontiac
120 Irish Cobble
121    Katahdin
122    Kennebec
123    Norland
124    Russet – Rural
125    Yukon Gold
126    Superior
127    Fingerlings
128    Blue Potatoes
129    Any others

130    Connecticut (field) 1 specimen
131    Small sugar (pie) 1 specimen
132    Winter neck (Crushaw) 1 specimen
133    Largest field pumpkin – specify weight
134    Miniature – Jack – B – Little
135    Other

Radishes (Summer)
136    Small round – 5 specimens
137    White Icicle – 5 specimens
138    Other

Radishes (Winter) – 5 specimens
139    Black
140    White
141    Other

142    Any Variety – 5 stalks tied together 
143    Any variety – 5 specimens, topped
Squash (Summer types) 1 specimen
144    Bush Scallop, Patty Pan
145    Cocozelle
146    Crookneck
147    Straightneck
148    Zucchini
149    Spaghetti
150    Papaya
151    Other

Squash (Winter types) – large 1 specimen
152    Acorn – Table Queen
153    Boston Marrow or Delicious
154    Buttercup
155    Butternut
156    Hubbard
157    Mammoth – Sweet types
158    Largest single squash, 1 specimen specify weight on entry card
159    Swiss Chard – Any variety – 1 stalk in soil
160    Other

Sweet Potatoes, 5 specimens
161    Any Type
Tomatoes – Large fruited, 5 specimens
162    Italian - Roma
163    Red
164    Yellow
165    Heirloom
166    Green
167    Other

Tomatoes - Small fruited (Red or yellow)
168    Cherry – 10 specimens or 5 clusters
169    Pear Shaped – 10 specimens
170    Plum Shaped – 10 specimens
171    Other

Yams, 5 specimens
172    Any Type
Home Garden Basket
173    10 or more kinds of vegetables not less than 3 specimens of each kind
                                                                                                                  $12.00   $10.00   $8.00   $6.00   $4.00
Market Basket
174    5 or more kind of vegetables, attractively displayed            $8.00      $6.00     $5.00   $4.00   $3.00

175    Mixed - 5 specimens $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00
176    One variety – 5 specimens
177    Collection – 6 or more kinds of gourds, attractively displayed

Herbs – 2 bunches in water
178     Dill                                                                                                $3.00   $2.50   $2.00   $1.50   $1.00
179     Mint
180     Basil
181     Chives
182     Rosemary
183     Savory
184     Thyme
185     Catnip
186     Fennel
187     Marjoram
188     Oregano
189     Sage
190     Tarragon
191     Garlic – Soft Neck
192     Garlic – Hard Neck
193     Any other
Best of Show
194     Best Vegetable Overall                                                                         Rosette

SECTION 2                                   Community Gardens
These classes are for participants in the Community Garden project that is sponsored by the Fulton County Food Basket. In order to enter, you must have been entered in the Food Basket Garden Program prior to April 1.
1. Same rules apply for these classes as for open class vegetables. See rules listed under Department 13 of the premium book.
   CLASS                                                                                                    PREMIUMS
01 Broccoli – 1 large head, no leaves                                      $3.00   $2.50   $2.00   $1.50   $1.00
02 Cantaloupes – 1 specimen
03 Strawberries (1 pint)

Beans (1 pint)
04 Horticultural
05 Kidney
06 Lima
07 Snap

Beets 5 specimen topped
08 Globe Shaped
Cabbage – 1 head
09 Early pointed
10 Domestic Round
11 Flat types
12 Red types
Corn – Sweet, 5 ears husked
13 White Hybrids
14 Yellow Hybrids
15 Other
Herbs – 2 bunches in water
16 Basil
17 Cilantro
18 Oregano
Onions (bulbs) 5 specimens
19 Bottle
20 White Flat
21 White
22 Yellow Globe
23 Yellow Flat
Peppers - Sweet-Bell
24 Green
25 Red
26 Yellow
Tomatoes (red or yellow) 5 specimens
27 Italian
28 Red
29 Yellow
30 Heirloom
Squash 1 specimen
31 Bush Scallop, Patty Pan
32 Crookneck
33 Straight neck
34 Zucchini
35 Spaghetti
Sunflowers – 3 blooms
36 Miniature
37 Any other sunflower
Watermelons – 1 specimen
38 Oblong in shape
39 Round or oval shapes
Market Basket
40 Market Basket – 5 or more kinds of vegetables attractively displayed in a single container.
41 Vegetable Freaks


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