(Refer to general rules)

Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
Only baked good items will be accepted on Monday 9:00 to 11:00 
1. All products must have been made by the exhibitor. Premiums will not be paid for commercial products.
2. Complete baked goods must be brought to the fair. After judging, the fair may display only a portion of the product for the week.
3. If under other, please list category and description.
4. Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest Rules:
a. Each pie will be judged on the following basis: Overall appearance; crust – color, flavor; and creativity. Creativity is essential to a varied competition. The pie does not have to be the “traditional” two-crust pie, but the pie must include at least 60% apples in the filling. All ingredients and decorations must be edible. 
b. The fair will certify the winning apple pie baker and this person will be allowed to enter the state competition at the Pennsylvania State Farm Show. Check at fair office for more details.

SECTION 1                    Baked Products
1. To be judged on flavor, lightness, general appearance and crumb.
   CLASS                                                                                      PREMIUMS
01    1/2 dozen baking powder biscuits                    $4.00   $3.00   $2.50   $2.00   $1.00
02    Corn bread, 4 pcs. Approx. 2 1/2 x 3”
03    1/2 dozen muffins
04    Nut bread
05    Fruit bread
06    Scones

Yeast breads – consists of 1 rectangular loaf, approx. 4” x 8” x 5”, wrapped in plastic bag. No fork pricks. 
Yeast breads use yeast. When activated with warm water and a little sugar, yeast (a small organism) grows and expels carbon dioxide. This gives bread its light, fluffy consistency and the air holes you see when you slice open a loaf. It requires time for the dough to rise and develop flavor. Yeast bread, unlike quick bread, also requires some kneading to help the dough come together and develop gluten. Gluten gives bread the right texture and helps it hold its shape.                           
07    Raisin bread
08    Rye bread
09    Sour Dough
10    White bread
11    Whole wheat bread
12    English muffin bread
Rolls – to consist of six rolls of uniform shape and size wrapped in plastic bag.
13    Cinnamon Rolls
14    Doughnuts
15    White rolls
16    Whole wheat rolls
17    Parkerhouse rolls
18    Basket of fancy yeast rolls to contain at least 3 different shapes
Butter cakes, iced
19    Chocolate
20    Coconut
21    Spice
22    White
23    Yellow
24    Any other kind
25    4 cupcakes, white or chocolate

Egg cakes, not iced
Egg cake is a cake with a high proportion of eggs in the ingredients. While most cake recipes call for eggs as binders in the cake, egg cakes use a large number of eggs, creating a very moist, rich cake with a light texture.
26    Angel food
27    Chocolate Angel Food
28    Chiffon
29    Coconut Chiffon
30    Bundt Cakes
31    Sponge
Pies are to be judged on texture of crust and flavor and consistency of filling.
32    One crust pie, any kind – not cream filling, no custard
33    Two crust pie, any kind

Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest 
34 Apple Pie                                                                       $5.00   $4.00   $3.00   $2.00   $1.00

Candy – 1/2 dozen $4.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.00
Chocolate covered
35    Peanut butter
36    Peanut roll
37    Peanut cluster
38    Caramel
39    Cashew cluster
40    Chocolate fudge
41    Caramel Candy
42    Coconut
43    Divinity fudge
44    Fondant
45    Light fudge
46    Potato Candy
Cookies, 1/2 dozen
47    Bar Cookies
48    Dropped cookies
49    Filled cookies
50    Pressed cookies
51    Rolled cookies
52    Sliced or ice box cookies

Miscellaneous Home Products
53    Butter, 1 pound
54    Cheese, 1/2 pound
55    Homemade soap, 6 pcs
56    Noodles, 1 qt.
57    Potato chips, 1 qt.
58    Popcorn, regular, 1 qt.
59    Popcorn, caramel, 1 qt.
60    Popcorn, seasoned, 1 qt.
61    Salted, nuts, 1/2 pt
62    Salty Snacks, 1/2 pt
63    Sweet Snacks, 1/2 pt
64    Other



                                              CLASS                                                                              PREMIUMS
65    PA Preferred Jr. Baking Contest Cookies, Brownies and Bars    1. $20.00        2. $15.00        3. $10.00

CLASS                                                                                                                           PREMIUMS
66    Homemade Chocolate Cake Contest                                              1. $25.00        2. $20.00        3. $15.00

   CLASS                                                                                                                         PREMIUMS
67    “The Incredible Angel Food Cake” Contest                                    1.  $25.00       2.  $15.00      3.  $10.00

SECTION 2                            Canned or Dried Products
1. Canned fruits and vegetables to be judged on quality, general appearance and container which shall be a standard mason-type, clear glass qt. or pt. Jar sealed with two-piece self-sealing lid (flat disc, and metal screw band) and sealed one piece lid. Screw bands may be used in transportation but must be removed before exhibiting. Food not in standard jars or not sealed with self-sealing lids will be disqualified. Make sure lids and rings are not rusty. Any entry may be opened by Judges if deemed necessary.
   CLASS                                                                                                                 PREMIUMS
Canned Fruits
01 Apples                                                                                                    $2.50   $2.00   $1.75   $1.50   $1.25
02 Applesauce
03 Apricots
04 Blackberries
05 Blueberries or huckleberries
06 Cherries, dark with pits
07 Cherries, red, sour, pitted
08 Cherries, red, with pits
09 Cherries, white, with pits
10 Currants
11 Elderberries
12 Grapes
13 Mince (i.e. raisins, apples, etc)
14 Peaches
15 Pears
16 Plums
17 Raspberries, black
18 Raspberries, red
19 Rhubarb
20 Other
21 Best display of canned fruits 3 containers same size            $5.00   $4.00   $3.00   $2.00   $1.25

Canned vegetables – one container                                               $2.50   $2.00   $1.75   $1.50   $1.25
22 Asparagus
23 Beans, green
24 Beans, lima
25 Beans, yellow
26 Beet tops
27 Red Beets
28 Yellow Beets
29 Broccoli
30 Carrots
31 Cauliflower
32 Corn
33 Dandelion
34 Endive
35 Mixed vegetables
36 Peas
37 Potatoes
38 Pumpkin
39 Sauerkraut
40 Spinach
41 Succotash
42 Sweet Potatoes
43 Swiss chard
44 Tomatoes
45 Vegetable soup
46 Horticulture Beans
47 Yams
48 Other
49 Best display of canned vegetables 3 containers same size        $5.00   $4.00   $3.00   $2.00   $1.25

Canned meats – one container                                                             $2.50   $2.00   $1.75   $1.50   $1.25
50 Beef
51 Beef tongue (pickled)
52 Chicken
53 Mincemeat (meat)
54 Pork
55 Pork Puddin Meat
56 Sausage
57 Scrapple
58 Sirloin
59 Spareribs
60 Venison  
61 Other
62 Display – consists of 3 containers each having a different kind of meat, same size                                                                                                                                                              $5    $4    $3    $2    $1.25
Canned Broth                                                                                               $2.50   $2.00   $1.75   $1.50   $1.25
63 Beef
64 Chicken
65 Ham
66 Pork
67 Vegetable
68 Venison
69 Other

Pickles and Relishes – to be judged on size, uniformity, clearness, color and arrangement
70 Beans
71 Beets
72 Cauliflower
73 Chow-Chow
74 Cranberry
75 Cucumber (1 bread & butter)
76 Dill
77 Lime
78 Mixed
79 Mustard
80 Sour
81 Sweet
82 Onions
83 Peppers
84 Piccalilli
85 Other

86 Corn
87 Cucumber
88 Onion 
89 Pepper
90 Zucchini 
91 Miscellaneous

92 Catsup
93 Chili Sauce
94 Pizza
95 Spaghetti
96 Salsa
97 Barbecue
98 Miscellaneous

Spiced fruits – one container
99 Apples
100 Cantaloupes
101 Cherries
102 Crabapples
103 Peaches
104 Pears
105 Quince
106 Watermelon

Dried fruits and vegetables to be judged on quality and general appearance
107 Apples
108 Corn
109 Peaches
110 Pears
111 Plums
112 Other

Juices – to be judged on flavor, color, clarity
113 Apple
114 Grape
115 Tomato
116 V-8 Juice
117 Other

118 Blackberry
119 Cider
120 Raspberry
121 Other

SECTION 3                           Home-Cured Products
   CLASS                                                                                                 PREMIUMS
01 Bacon – 1/2 pound                                                            $1.40   $1.30   $1.20   $1.10
02 Dried Beef – 1/4 pound
03 Jerky
04 Smoked sausage – 1/2 pound
05 Other
06 Smoked shoulder or ham                                                $3.50   $3.00   $2.50   $2.00

SECTION 4      Butters, Honey Spreads, Jams, Jellies, Marmalades and Preserve
1. Entries must be in clear glass sealed with two-piece self-sealing lid (flat disc and metal screw band) with screw band removed before exhibiting. Jars should not be sealed with paraffin. If under other, please list category and description.
   CLASS                                                                                                      PREMIUMS
Butters                                                                                      $2.50   $2.00   $1.50   $1.25   $1.00
Fruit butters are sweet spreads made by cooking fruit pulp with sugar to a thick consistency with a smooth, spreadable texture. Spices may be added.                                                                                                 01   Apple
02   Apricot
03   Cherry
04   Grape
05   Orange
06   Peach
07   Pear
08   Plum
09   Quince
10   Tomato
11   Any other

Honey Spreads
A honey spread is opaque and light tan in color (depending on flavor). They are made by cooking fruit juice or pulp with sugar to the consistency of honey or syrup. They are much thinner than the other spreads
12   Apple
13   Pear
14   Pineapple
15   Quince
16   Any other

A thick, sweet spread made with crushed or chopped fruits. The pieces of fruit are very small. Jams tend to hold their shape but are less firm than jelly.
17   Blackberry
18   Blueberry
19   Cherry
20   Currant
21   Elderberry
22   Peach
23   Plum
24   Raspberry, black
25   Raspberry, red
26   Rhubarb
27   Strawberry
28   Any other

A semitransparent to clear product consisting of the strained juice of various fruits or vegetables, singly or in combination, sweetened, boiled, slowly simmered, and congealed, often with the aid of pectin, gelatin, or a similar substance. It is firm enough to hold its shape when turned out of the jar, but quivers when moved.
29   Apple
30   Blackberry
31   Blueberry
32   Cherry
33   Crabapple
34   Currant
35   Elderberry
36   Gooseberry
37   Grape
38   Huckleberry
39   Peach
40   Plum
41   Quince
42   Raspberry, black
43   Raspberry, red
44   Any other
45   Display of Jelly – 3 varieties

Marmalades are soft fruit jellies containing small pieces of fruit or peel evenly suspended in the transparent jelly. They often contain citrus fruit as in orange marmalade.
46   Apricot
47   Grape
48   Grapefruit
49   Orange
50   Peach
51   Pear
52   Pineapple
53   Plum
54   Quince
55   Tomato, yellow
56   Any other

Preserves and Conserves
57   Apricot
58   Blueberry
59   Cherry
60   Peach
61   Pear
62   Pineapple
63   Plum
64   Quince
65   Strawberry
66   Tomato
67   Any other

68   Cherry
69   Grape
70   Hickory
71   Maple
72   Red Bud
73   Other

SECTION 5                             Freeze Dried
(Freeze drying is a low temperature dehydration process that involves freezing the product and lowering pressure thereby removing the ice by going directly from a solid to a gas state without passing through the liquid state.)
1. Entries must be in clear glass sealed with two-piece self-sealing lid (flat disc and metal screw band) with screw band removed before exhibiting or sealed mylar bags. If under other, please list category and description.
   CLASS                                                                                                 PREMIUMS
Fruits                                                                                         $2.50   $2.00   $1.50   $1.25   $1.00
01   Apples
02   Blueberries
03   Peaches
04   Pears
05   Plums
06   Raspberries
07   Strawberries
08   Other

09   Carrots
10   Corn
11   Peas
12   Celery
13   Onions
14   Potatoes
15   Candy
16   Meats


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