Please refer to that tab in the menu for more information.


(Refer to general rules)
Exhibits accepted on Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:00, Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00
1. In selecting fruit for exhibition, choose specimens that would bring the highest market price. Do not select the largest. Select medium size. In plate displays, select five specimens as nearly alike as possible.
2. The following score is to be used as a basis for the judging of all exhibits.
         Exterior Quality
Size (total weight) 16 points
Uniformity of Color 12 points
Uniformity of Shape 12 points
Shell Texture 12 points
Condition 12 points
Interior Quality 36 points
                   Total 100 points

SECTION 1                                  Fruits
   CLASS                                                                                  PREMIUMS
01    Plate of 5 Cortland apples                              $2.50   $2.00   $1.75   $1.50   $1.00
02    Plate of 5 Delicious apples
03    Plate of 5 Golden Delicious apples
04    Plate of 5 Grimes Golden apples
05    Plate of 5 Jonathan apples
06    Plate of 5 McIntosh apples
07    Plate of 5 Rome apples
08    Plate of 5 Stayman apples
09    Plate of 5 Lodi apples
10    Plate of 5 Summer Rambo apples
11    Plate of 5 York apples
12    Plate of 5 Smoke House apples
13    Plate of 5 Spartan apples
14    Plate of 5 other variety except red
15    Plate of 5 other red variety
16    Plate of 5 Crabapples – all varieties
17    Plate of 5 Jersey Queen peaches
18    Plate of 5 Alberta peaches
19    Plate of 5 J.H. Hale peaches
20    Plate of 5 Red Haven peaches
21    Plate of 5 Sunhill peaches
22    Plate of 5 Blake peaches
23    Plate of 5 Loring peach
24    Plate of 5 Richaven peaches
25    Plate of 5 Slappy peach
26    Plate of 5 Madison peach
27    Plate of 5 Southland peach
28    Plate of 5 other – must be named
29    Plate of 5 Anjou pears
30    Plate of 5 Bartlett pears
31    Plate of 5 Bose pears
32    Plate of 5 Keiffer pears
33    Plate of 5 Seckel pears
34    Plate of 5 Red Bartlett pears
35    Plate of 5 Claps Favorite pears
36    Plate of 5 other – must be named
37    Plate of 5 Santa Rosa plums
38    Plate of 5 Shiro plums
39    Plate of 5 Stanley Prune plums
40    Plate of 5 Fellenberg plums
41    Plate of 5 other – must be named
42    Plate of 5 apple quinces
43    Plate of 5 Champion quinces
44    Plate of 5 Orange quinces
45    2 bunches of red grapes
46    2 bunches of blue grapes
47    2 bunches of white grapes
48    Plate of 5 persimmons
49    Plate of 5 paw paws
50    1 pint of blackberry
51    1 pint of blueberry
52    1 pint of currant
53    1 pint of elderberry
54    1 pint of gooseberry
55    1 pint of red raspberry
56    1 pint of black raspberry
57    1 pint of strawberry
58    1 pint yellow raspberry
59    Largest single watermelon
60    Midget type watermelon
61    Oblong in shape watermelon
62    Round or oval shape watermelon
63    Other watermelon

SECTION 2                                 Edible nuts
1. All nuts must have been grown in the fair’s surrounding community within the past year. Ten specimens of each variety entered.  Nuts need to be hulled and in shells.
   CLASS                                                                                       PREMIUMS
01 American Black Walnuts                                    $3.00   $2.50   $2.00   $1.50   $1.00
02 Butternuts
03 English Walnuts
04 Hazelnuts
05 Heartnuts
06 Hicans
07 Pecans
08 Nat. Amer. Or Chinese Chestnuts
09 Shell Bark, Shag Bark, Hickories
10 Any other named nuts not listed

Nuts – Kernels – 1/2 pound of each variety entered in plastic bag.
11 American Black Walnuts
12 Butternuts
13 Hazelnuts
14 Heartnuts
15 Hicans
16 Pecans
17 Nat. American or Chinese Chestnuts
18 Shell Bark, Hickories
19 English Walnuts